Often people ask me what inspires me with my artwork. My answer is usually my travels and nature. However the more I think about it and the more I am more open with my thoughts, the answer could be anything I am feeling at that moment in time. Anything that gives me that extra pull of emotion, what tells a story, that opens my eyes wider or what inspires me.
As travelling has been reduced somewhat over the last couple of years, I have been empowered by local observations, local history, figures and allotment stories. Many artists have a niche, focusing on a particular subjects, but I do like to explore all sorts of subjects. I learn by playing about with art; exploring processes, underpinning theory and trying out compositional plans. And is it wrong to focus on more than one subject? No, of course not.
It makes you authentic.
So from one creative to another creative.
What inspires you in the world with your art, makes, creations or artisan products?
Here are some ideas to get you inspired:
Slow down and take it all in. Take....that....time...To look. To listen. To feel. To smell. To touch. You will discover some surprises. Some WOWs! Some things you never knew or saw. Your eyes will be opened.
Take lots of photographs of things that you spot that catches your eye: waves crashing against the cliffs, a close up of an insect, a wild flower meadow, an old church, a old family member, anything that is purple, different eyes, etc. You don't need a top of the range DSLR, your mobile is perfectly fine to capture moments of inspiration. Don't just stand and take the photograph. Take them at different levels and angles. I sometimes turn my phone upside down to take a picture. Do ask permission if you wish to take photos of people. I don't want you to get into trouble. Make a folder, popping all the photos into it, so you can refer to them when you start creating.
Create a journal writing down things that inspire you. Write notes, make sketches, add imagery, newspaper and magazine cuttings, leaflets and photographs, write quotes (include the name of the person too), write catchy and interesting words, create interesting sentences, add a bit of poetry, list a range of fascinating adjectives, signage...whatever that inspires you to create. These notes could be a stem for a picture, a book or poem, etc....
Sketchbooks are a create way to create a journal of arty creations. You could keep it niche and base it on a theme, such as watercolour, colour mixing, animals, allotment treasures, continuous line drawings, portraiture, landscape, fashion, printing, etc. Or you could keep it open ended. They can be tidy or mess, big or tiny, bought or handmade, to stay at home or to go on your outings, to keep secret or to display to others. Whatever you choose to do, they are very personal to you. (If you would like to find out how to make a homemade sketchbook, click here to read my blog explaining how to make one). Use your sketchbook as a place to explore and note your findings. This could be through collecting fabrics, taking rubbings, sketching discoveries, sticking in photographs, note taking, exploring different mediums, focusing on tonal studies, annotating discoveries, the story behind the work, the emotions and feelings it bought...anything that will get your artistic flare ignited.
Film anything that inspires you. It could a waterfall capturing the sounds, colour and movement, the overwhelming senses of a busy city, a timelapse of a journey or slow-motion of a bird landing.
A keep box of special items, treasuring memories or finds that could help with your creative spark. I have loads of shells!!!
Sit or wander in a place that inspires you or gets the brain creative. Finding the perfect space for you to create is important. Sitting in a cafe, with music in my ears, can give me the buzz to blog. The quiet studio (the old garage) gives me space to paint to my hearts content. The woods maybe a place to wander and sketch.
Remember to allow time to do this. Even if it's for 15 minutes. Give yourself permission to block the time in to do this, putting it in to your daily, weekly or monthly routine.
I am sure you may have other creative ideas. Let me know if you try one or if you can think of any other ways of capturing, igniting and inspiring your inner creativity.
Thank you @charlotte.durance (Insta) for inspiring me.